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Chromebook News For the School Year

Chromebooks News For the School Year

Please read important information regarding student Chromebooks for Grissom  middle school.  In order for the Chromebook distribution process to run smoothly for our entire student population, we need to outline the steps to follow in order for students to be ready for class with their own personal Chromebooks when school starts.

  1. All current 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will be able to retain their Chromebooks over the summer, use it for summer school and summer camp activities and for personal use. Each student and family is still responsible for the care and maintenance of their personal Chromebook.

  2. Parents/guardians of middle school students are to sign and return the Student Chromebook Program Acknowledgement Form to the middle school main office.

  3. For students who already have a Chromebook issued and are returning to our middle school in August, you must bring your Chromebook to school charged and ready to work on the first day of school.

  4. For new students to our middle school, once you have returned the Student Chromebook Program Acknowledgement Form to our main office, a Chromebook will be reserved for distribution during the first few days of school.

  5. Current 8th grade students will need to bring their middle school Chromebook to Penn High School during the first week of school to exchange it for their new Penn Chromebook.

  6. We will continue to issue some personal textbooks for various classes while other textbooks will be retained as class sets only.

  7. Students will use the same Chromebook throughout their middle school experience.

  8. As a parent/guardian, you will be responsible if the Chromebook is damaged or stolen.

  9. P-H-M will provide an optional insurance program in the fall for parents wishing to participate. The insurance program will cover accidental damage and repairs but not loss or theft. Insurance information will be provided when your student receives their Chromebook.

  10. Over the summer, families can get Chromebooks with issues serviced at Penn High School during summer school hours (7:30 - 11:30). Bring your Chromebook to Penn High School Door “A” and we will repair it and email you when you can pick it up.  We will not issue Chromebook loaners during the summer.

Please make sure that you have your Acknowledgement form on file with our school office.