Monday, March 13 and Tuesday, March 14
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is nationally recognized as one of the “Best Communities for Music Education” offering choir, band and orchestra at Schmucker, Discovery and Grissom Middle Schools.
Every P-H-M 5th grader who will be attending a P-H-M middle school as an incoming 6th grader in the Fall 2023 has the opportunity to join an instrumental music class, which includes either band or orchestra. “Instrument Selection Night” is when students and families get to make their choice!
In order to join 6th grade band or orchestra, students must select an instrument that they will learn throughout their time in their chosen class. Our Instrument Selection Nights are designed with the intention of helping your child make this decision.
At “Instrument Selection Night,” a music professional will be available to give students advice about which instrument may be best suited for them. They will be allowed to “try out” instruments from various instrument groups. Click here to visit the expansive website with more details on on Instrument Selection Night.
You will sign up for an appointment at one of our Instrument Selection Nights. Try to sign up at the middle school where your child will attend. If those dates do not work, you may sign up for one of the other nights. Click here to sign up.
Click here to download a PDF that provides more information on PHM Band and Orchestra.